Thank you for becoming a member of the Engaged in Art Community!
Depending on your membership level you can start browsing the resources for free and gold members. Click on the buttons to get started.
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Whether you are a young person who loves art and craft, a parent or teacher of creative children this site is chock full of resources waiting for you to tap into.
Depending on your Membership Level there is quality free content and premium resources for our Gold Members both of which are updated regularly. The Gold Membership enables you to watch instructional videos and do online classes, at your leisure, using any device, where you will learn new art and craft skills and techniques.
You will also be invited to join our private Facebook Group where you will meet like-minded parents and fellow art educators. Think of it as a virtual meeting place to share all things art and craft, ask questions and offer advice.
You may up or downgrade your Membership at any time by clicking the button below.